for Photographer

Camera settings:

  1. (M) Manual or (A) Aperture priority.
  2. Files are always RAW.
  3. The exposure value is no less than 10, 11, or 16.
  4. Exposure compensation: “0” – always.
  5. ISO: 100 to 320 MAX. No exceptions!
  6. The interior bracket is set to 5 images: -2/-1/0/+1/+2/
  7. The exterior bracket is set to 3 images: -1/0/+1
  8. White balance – AUTO.
  9. Lenses 12-24 mil. Full frame.

A few things to note:

  • Always contact the client 45-60 min prior to the appointment. No exceptions!
  • Ask for any special requests/concerns.
  • Read customer instructions and office comments in calendar.
  • Take the shoes off or put the protective covers on the property.
  • Due to safety concerns, we do not move big items or furniture, but make shots clean and neat as much as possible with a help of an agent/owner.
  • No trash cans in the shots. No toilet paper.
  • Closets are always closed unless agents ask differently.
  • The toilet seat cover is always down.
  • Fans are always OFF – no exceptions.
  • If lights improve the quality of the shot, use them. If not – use ambient.
  • Use an elevated (7-9ft) stand for exterior shots. Always.
  • Scan wall colors with NiX. Must include file uploads. Here is a tutorial.
  • If the client changes the order – notify the office about the update.
  • Give us 15-20% more shots than ordered.
  • Upload files to Dropbox asap.

For your reference – here are samples of the final product.